October 3 & 4, 2024
Annenberg Presidential Conference Center
Texas A&M University | College Station, Texas
We are so excited to invite you to attend the 2024 Financial Planning Career & Education Conference!
Please join us for our signature event and build connections that will last a lifetime.
Overview of Events for Students
Companies Participating in the Career Fair
Bent Oak Capital | Financial Synergies | S. Harris Financial Group |
BlueTrust | Forvis Mazars Private Client | SFMG Wealth Advisors |
Briaud Financial Advisors | 49 Financial | Strata Wealth Advisors |
Buckingham Strategic Wealth | 4Life Wealth Advisors | Symphony Wealth Group |
Cadent Capital | Frost Bank | The Sum |
Capital Chart Room | GDS Wealth Management | Traditions Wealth Advisors |
Carter Financial Management | IMG Financial Group | Voya Financial Advisors |
Cerity Partners | Northwestern Mutual | Willis Johnson & Associates |
Corient | RIA Advisors | CAPTRUST |
Option 1: Career Fair Only
Everyone is invited to attend the Career Fair from 10AM – NOON. Meals are NOT included with this option. If you plan to attend lunch or the seated banquet dinner, we request that you register for Option 2 so we have an accurate headcount for food. Registration is not required if you only want to attend the Career Fair, but if you register before October 1, you will receive an official event name badge.
Option 2: Career Fair + All Conference Access & Meals (All Slots Are Filled)
In addition to Career Fair access, if you choose to attend the afternoon sessions, you will receive one ticket to the Networking Lunch, Student Showcase Presentations, TEDx Style Talks, Welcome Reception, and Awards Banquet. We need an accurate headcount for food, so please indicate on the registration form which meal events you plan to attend. Option 2 is only available to students currently enrolled at Texas A&M University.
Thursday, October 3: Annenberg Presidential Conference Center
All events on Thursday will take place at the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center, located on the Texas A&M University campus in College Station, Texas.
Friday, October 4: Texas A&M Career Center
If you receive an invitation to interview with sponsoring companies on Friday, all interview sessions will take place at the Texas A&M Career Center.
Frequently Asked Questions
Conference Coordinators
Nathan Harness, Ph.D., CFP® | Director of Financial Planning
Jeanie Izurieta | Program Manager
Nick Kilmer | Instructor
Emily Pyle | Program Coordinator
Contact: financialplanning@tamu.edu | 979.845.5223